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Holiday Rental: Apartment T0

Apartamento T0 - Sé Nova, Coimbra, Coimbra - Imagem grande

Property details

  • District
  • County
  • Locality
    Sé Nova
  • Area
    20 m²
  • Price
    Upon request
  • Energy Rating
  • Property code


Recently renovated, it has a set of amenities, such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi, cable TV and a large internal area that is very pleasant, all properly framed in a calm and peaceful environment with the comfort you expect.

Apartment located in the centre of the city of Coimbra in the historic area at the 'foot' of the University of Coimbra close to the Church of Santa Cruz and about 50 meters from the Mondego River, around many traditional commercial areas, reference restaurants, bars with extended hours, also enjoy the leisure area of Parque Verde that is interconnected by a pedestrian bridge with the left bank of the Mondego where you can find a sports area and renowned monuments such as the Monastery of Santa Clara a Velha, Portugal dos Pequenitos and the Convent of S. Francisco.

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