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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
3531 Properties Type Apartment in Porto
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Matosinhos, Porto
340.000 €
Area: 54 m²
500.000 €
Area: 108 m²
650.000 €
Area: 138 m²
Amarante, Porto
325.900 €
Area: 116 m²
450.000 €
Area: 113 m²
Paranhos, Porto
237.000 €
Area: 79 m²
475.000 €
Area: 105 m²
365.000 €
Area: 68 m²
440.000 €
430.000 €
Area: 89 m²
470.000 €
665.000 €
Area: 139 m²
400.000 €
250.000 €
Area: 143 m²
480.000 €