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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
3571 Properties Type Apartment in Porto
I authorize that the data entered in this form be used only for the purpose for which it is intended.
250.000 €
Area: 143 m²
Campanhã, Porto
210.000 €
Area: 3 m²
Paredes, Porto
259.000 €
Area: 115 m²
Paranhos, Porto
316.900 €
Area: 78 m²
320.900 €
Ermesinde, Valongo, Porto
237.000 €
Area: 2 m²
Amarante, Porto
158.900 €
Area: 49 m²
305.000 €
Vila do Conde, Porto
219.000 €
Area: 91 m²
172.500 €
Area: 83 m²
261.775 €
Area: 94 m²
254.513 €
Area: 93 m²
418.000 €
Area: 176 m²
331.150 €
Area: 136 m²
298.775 €
Area: 128 m²