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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
14 Properties Type Garage in Braga
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Vizela (Santo Adrião), Vizela, Braga
8.000 €
Area: 20 m²
Barcelos, Braga
50.000 €
Area: 40 m²
Perelhal, Barcelos, Braga
5.000 €
Area: 13 m²
Azurém, Guimarães, Braga
8.500 €
Area: 16 m²
Nogueiró, Braga
20.000 €
Area: 0 m²
Ferreiros, Amares, Braga
350 €
50 €
São Victor, Braga
220.000 €
Area: 625 m²
Fafe, Braga
15.000 €
Area: 17 m²
Arcozelo, Barcelos, Braga
7.500 €
5.700 €