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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
10 Properties Type Office in Setúbal
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Seixal, Setúbal
49.000 €
Area: 14 m²
Quinta do Anjo, Palmela, Setúbal
130.000 €
Area: 125 m²
Afonsoeiro, Montijo, Setúbal
950 €
Area: 78 m²
Montijo, Setúbal
550 €
Area: 90 m²
3.650 €
Area: 290 m²
4.062 €
Area: 325 m²
1.931 €
Area: 310 m²
145.000 €
Area: 89 m²
Price Upon request
Area: 34 m²
45.000 €
Area: 20 m²