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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
10 Properties Type Shop in Portalegre
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Assunção, Elvas, Portalegre
375.000 €
Area: 1024 m²
Avis, Portalegre
220.000 €
Area: 580 m²
Sé, Portalegre
2.200 €
Area: 201 m²
Ponte de Sor, Portalegre
130.000 €
Area: 199 m²
87.500 €
Area: 185 m²
75.000 €
Area: 159 m² Plot area: 159 m²
240.000 €
Area: 131 m²
Sousel, Portalegre
67.500 €
Area: 308 m²
63.000 €
Area: 98 m²
400 €
Area: 69 m²