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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
402 Properties Type Shop in Porto
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Lordelo do Ouro, Porto
574.500 €
Area: 2 m²
Póvoa de Varzim, Porto
1.350 €
Area: 150 m²
Balazar, Póvoa de Varzim, Porto
450 €
Area: 53 m²
Guifões, Matosinhos, Porto
1.500 €
Area: 196 m²
Amarante, Porto
49.950 €
Area: 86 m²
Santo Tirso, Porto
60.000 €
Area: 20 m²
Silvares, Lousada, Porto
182.000 €
Area: 117 m²
207.000 €
Area: 148 m²
209.000 €
Area: 135 m²
183.000 €
Area: 131 m²
200.000 €
Area: 129 m²
225.000 €
Area: 147 m²
152.000 €
Area: 98 m²
Fânzeres, Gondomar, Porto
155.000 €
Area: 106 m²