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Since 2006, the place to look for a house in Portugal
65 Properties Type Shop in Setúbal
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Alto do Seixalinho, Barreiro, Setúbal
170.000 €
Area: 0 m²
Amora, Seixal, Setúbal
54.000 €
Area: 90 m²
195.000 €
Area: 204 m²
Fernão Ferro, Seixal, Setúbal
75.000 €
Area: 38 m²
Laranjeiro, Almada, Setúbal
105.000 €
Area: 158 m²
Area: 208 m²
Charneca da Caparica, Almada, Setúbal
136.500 €
Area: 113 m²
Santiago do Cacém, Setúbal
38.000 €
Area: 57 m²
Sines, Setúbal
104.150 €
Area: 58 m²
135.000 €
Afonsoeiro, Montijo, Setúbal
81.150 €
Area: 59 m²
Area: 219 m²
60.000 €
Area: 15 m²
São Sebastião, Setúbal
47.000 €
Area: 28 m²
Area: 19 m²