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Sell: Warehouse T0

Armazém T0 - Pussos, Alvaiázere, Leiria - Imagem grande

Property details

  • District
  • County
  • Locality
  • Area
    877 m²
  • Plot area
    1458 m²
  • Price
    94.500 €
  • Energy Rating
  • Property code


Banking building consisting of 2 warehouses with 877 m2 and 1458 m2 of land located near Alvaiazere
Located in a rural area, about 6 km from the center of Alvaiázere, where the service and commerce equipment are located, parking is on the public road, has infrastructures.
It is a set of 2 buildings: Building consisting of 2 floors and attic for storage: 1 below ground (semi-underground basement) for olive oil mill and 1 above ground (ground floor) for social and administrative support; Ground floor warehouse for support; Patio at the back with outdoor tanks.
Cellar: Reception of raw materials, olive oil warehouse and processing area;
Ground floor: Hall, 2 compartments, 2 sanitary facilities, cafeteria, archive, office and public reception area;
Attic: Large storage compartment;
Warehouse: 2 large compartments.
NOTE: Property without habitable conditions.

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