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Sell: Warehouse T0

Armazém T0 - Lustosa, Lousada, Porto - Imagem grande

Property details

  • District
  • County
  • Locality
  • Area
    292 m²
  • Price
    70.000 €
  • Energy Rating
  • Property code


Warehouse for commerce in Lustosa (Lousada), with basement and patio, located in a residential area.
The building is located in Lugar das Penas, 300 m from the City Hall and about 7 km from the centre of Santo Tirso and Lousada respectively.
It has a small local business. Good road access that allows quick travel to the EN209 and EN106. Sufficient outdoor parking.
It consists of a large space, office and two sanitary facilities.
It has a patio.

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